#4CultureCommunityPlenary | 04.02.2021
NFDI4Culture – Consortium for research data on material and immaterial cultural heritage
NFDI4Culture – Consortium for research data on material and immaterial cultural heritage
Date: 04.02.2021
Time: 8-18 CET
Eventtitle: NFDI4Culture Community Plenary #4CultureCommunityPlenary
Eventtype: Conference
Eventcategory: Other
Organisor: nationale Forschungsdaten Infrastruktur for culture
Place: Online
"Digital data on tangible and intangible cultural assets is an essential part of daily life, communication and experience. It has a lasting influence on the perception of cultural identity and on the interactions between research, cultural economy and society. The long-term preservation and reliable availability of digital cultural assets in line with the FAIR and CARE principles are fundamentally important for the cultural self-understanding of individuals, groups and society as a whole."
Registration until 31.01.2021 via coordination-office(at)nfdi4culture.de
09:00 Uhr
09:30 Uhr
10:10 Uhr Kaffeepause
Vorstellung „Area for virtual Art" durch Prof. Dr. Holger Simon
10:25 Uhr
11:30 Uhr Kaffeepause
Performance: Karagöz - Türkisches Schattentheater, Enes Türkoğlu
11:40 Uhr
12:30 Uhr Musikalischer Beitrag AuditivVokal
12:45 -13:30 Uhr Freie Gespräche / Networking
Public Eveningprogram
18:00 – 19:00 Uhr Führung durch die Area for virtual Art (Prof. Dr. Holger Simon)