
Project presentations, panel discussions, lectures - there is always a lot going on in research projects as well as in the humanities and social sciences community. Stay up to date with our calendar of events.

Extreme Right Transnational: Towards a New Post-War History DH 2025 ECHOES meeting: Call for Papers Landscape of Siena CURE Summer School 2025 „DYNAMICS OF DESPAIR” CFP: Provenance Research and Restitution – Transdisciplinary Approaches Anke te Heesen (HU Berlin): Frauen vor Mustern Lifeworlds Beyond Dictatorship? Spatial Science Colloquium 2025 Rhetorik als Waffe – über Putins Reden als Mittel der Politik | Rhetoric as a weapon - on Putin's speeches as a means of politics 2nd Global Summit onVaccines and Immunology (GSVI2025) Kulturgeschichte der Moderne in Berlin-Wilmersdorf – von der Carstenn-Figur bis in die Gegenwart Next Series of Hornemann Institute's Online Courses Runs from 28 April - 22 June 2025 International Meet on Immunology and Microbiology International Meeting & Exhibition for Semiconductors and Optoelectronics Reform oder Revolution? Wissenschaft auf dem ›post‹-Weg Muddy Measures: When Wetlands and Heritage Converse ARCHE Conference "Innovation through Heritage: Resilience in Times of Climate Change" Rewilding in Europe: Genealogies, Imaginaries and Practices of Nature Conservation in the Anthropocene World Forum on Cardiology - CARDIOLOGYFORUM2025 Soundscapes of War – Listening to the Lost Heritage Käte Hamburger Lecture #7: A Mesopotamian Re(s)pair: Dusty experimentations in the marshes amidst war and sanction Ukrainian cultural heritage in wartime: Political and institutional challenges of restitution and reparations. Käte Hamburger Lecture with Fellow Fiona Greenland Control and Flexibility: The Use of Wearable Devices in Capital- and Labor-Intensive Work Processes SOAS GLOCAL African Assembly on Linguistic Anthropology 2024 - Second and Final Call Labour control and workers' internal resistance in Amazon Alan Turing, artificial intelligence and the imitation game Merian Centre for Advanced Studies in the Maghreb (MECAM) is organizing a major Mediterranean conference in Tunis Apocalyptic Cinema International Closing Conference International Symposium "Care that Matters, Matters of Care: Overcoming Inequalities through Care Policies" Dialogue Panel in German on the Depictions of the Excessive Use of Force The Excessive Use of Force Academic Freedom and Science Diplomacy: How to deal with new risks in international cooperation and global inequalities in academia? MIASA and MECAM Host Roundtable on Academic Freedom and Research Ethics Global Summit on Vaccines and Immunology (GSVIM2024) Production of Migration: Figures, Infrastructures and Spaces Next Series of Hornemann Institute's Online Courses Runs from 7 October - 1 December 2024 Natural Science Objects in Digital Collections: Opportunities and Challenges Islam online – offline – and beyond: Digital media, Islamic knowledge and authority in the West 5th Conference of the German Network for Forced Migration Studies 7th International Summer School "Georgian Manuscript" Work Consequences of Digitized Simple Work in Order Picking: Findings and Conclusions Voting Authoritarians into Power 3rd International Spring School Improving workers’ experience through participatory problem-solving committees in fulfillment centers Imaginations of Autonomy - On Humans, AI-Based Weapon Systems and Responsibility at Machine Speed HAWK Hornemann Institute's Online Course "Mould and Records" Happy new Year 2024 Evaluation in Science Communication Celebrating a new start: The Virtual Ukraine Institute for Advanced Study Red Becomes Black - and Then What? Pigment Changes on Art and Cultural Heritage Protecting Academic Freedom I Scholars at risk, scholars in exile: How can we strengthen and better protect individual freedom of research and teaching? Developing Ukrainian Studies: Ukraine in Research and Teaching in the Subjects Slavic Literary and Cultural Studies, Slavic Linguistics in Dialogue with East European History Equitable International Research Cooperation – From affirmations to practice PRIF Annual Conference 2023 "Dealing with Autocracies in a Fragmented World Round Table MECAM MECILA: Asymmetries of International Knowledge Production and Circulation. Experiences, Best Practices and Challenges Social Cohesion as a Global Guiding Concept ICT4Peace – The Role of Information and Communication Technology in (Digital) Peacebuilding Science Peace Security: Technology and the Transformation of Political Violence Next Series of HAWK Hornemann Institute's Online Courses Runs from 11 September to 5 November 2023 Stocktake: Need for action on fossil fuel subsidy reform & shifting of other public financial flows Call for presentations or sessions (Submission deadline: 1 July 2023) "Bridging the divide: exploring the local in social cohesion" Nowhere(to)land? What Science Studies Contribute to Science Communication HistoCrypt 2023 Games & Literature. On the literaricity, research, collection, and archiving of computer games DiD Virtual Lecture Series 2023 "Expanded documentary – ecologies of images/images of ecology" Next Series of HAWK Hornemann Institute's Online Courses Runs from 3 April to 28 May Re-thinking education in the digital age. Meaningful perspectives for future citizenship Language(s) of Violence | TraCe Jahreskonferenz A CLOUD FOR ALL – The European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage 6th Peace & Conflict Talk (PaCT) “The Global State of Young Scientists in Latin America and the Caribbean: An Exploration of Constraints and Strategies” Theorizing Jewish-Arab Transculturation BEING KENYAN ON VOTING, CLUBBING, AND DYING IN NAIROBI - ZUR ZEIT | GESPRÄCH am Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin Borders, policing, criminal courts: Anti-racist perspectives ERNST MAYR LECTURE in der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Partnering tools in Horizon Europe? – The information session „Ask the NCP” presents valuable options International Conference Disputing Child Labour Globally: Legitimation Struggles in the Past and Present Culture and Creative Industries: Your chances in EU-research and innovation funding BERLIN SCIENCE WEEK from November 1 to 10, 2022. The Work Programme 2023/2024 of Cluster 2 “Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society”: 3 Online information sessions in November by the NCP Society Im Gehäuse des Wahns. Deutsche Schriftsteller im sowjetischen Exil “Submitting an EU-Proposal – what are your benefits?” Open Exchange with a successful applicant Verlust und Vielfalt. Zur Parallele von Artenschutz und Denkmalschutz um 1900 Humanities at War. Ukrainian Perspectives FFVT Workshop „Forced Migration Studies and Policy Dialogue: Promoting New Ways of Knowledge Production and Policy Transfer" (auf Englisch) Margarita Valdovinos: The Encounter of Knowledges: Epistemic Dialogues in Unequal Contexts Ana María Cetto: Medialisation in Science: From Idealism to Virtualism Starting soon: “Horizon Europe? Ask the NCP!”—a new online information session format organized by NCP Society 1st Annual Conference of the Käte Hamburger Kolleg Münster "Ausnahme und Vielfalt / Exception and Plurality" Reasoning and uncertainty: probabilistic, logical, and psychological perspectives Cities of Migrant Solidarity: An International Dialogue Interdisciplinary conference 2022: 850 years of St. Godehard in Hildesheim | 19.-21.09.2022 PHOTO EXHIBITION - Creating a Sustainable Mono-Material Collection Doppelrollen im Literaturbetrieb Giga Zedania: Mamardashvili, Artaud und die Metaphysik des sowjetischen Lebens DRESSED. The Widespread Role of Clothes, Textile Production and Clothing Concepts in Society - Interweaving Perspectives 2022 Annual Conference Global Conflicts, Global Collaboration: China in a Changing World Order Seeing with and thinking through Korsakow DiD Special #3 - Interactive Documentary. Participation and Politics FFVT on point: Forced Migration in and out of Ukraine – some (lesser known) facets Interdisciplinary Conference: Non-Invasive Digital Techniques. New Prospects in the Research and Restoration of Wall Paintings Launch of New Digital Research Infrastructure: Migrant Connections International responses to Putin’s aggression: How effective are military deterrence, economic sanctions, and diplomacy? FFVT on point: The situation of forced migration and durable solutions in Ethiopia (auf Englisch) Art in Times of Crisis – The Covid-19 Pandemic and Taibei's Artscapes. A Digital Dialogue with Contemporary Taiwanese Artist Betty Apple Call for Participation IFM-Konferenz Interactive Epistemology, Listening, and Ecomedia Trinational Conference "Rule of Law and the Judiciary in the EU member states" Restitution, Return, Repatriation and Reparation (The 4Rs) in Africa: Reality or Transcultural Aphasia? Info Day: Cluster 2 - Culture, Creativity & Inclusive Society Contestation over migration and rights in the context of forced displacement - How do we study it? (auf Englisch) FFVT Scholarly Workshop „Forced Migration and Dynamics of Political Mobilisation: Conceptual Approaches, Comparative and Case Studies“ (auf Englisch) Brokerage Event: Horizon Europe's Cluster 2 "Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society" "I want so much for my work to grow out of the material…" Emil Nolde's Painting Technique History of Science and the Challenges of “Non-simultaneity” in Eastern and Central Europe The Un/Executed Renaissance: Ukrainian Soviet Modernism and Its Legacies Performing Tangier Festival (17th Edition): II. The Poetics and Politics of National Theatre(s) between Globalism and Localism Performing Tangier Festival (17th Edition): I. Theatres of the Global South – Decolonial Visions “Climate Solidarities“ International online climate conference for young people FFVT on point: Forced Migration in Afghanistan and Afghan Refugees in the Region (online panel discussion) At the Cutting Edges of Knowledge Production: Borders and Black Holes in Academic Dialogue CEDITRAA Methods Workshop Symposium: “Participation, Marginalization, and Exclusion in the U.S. Welfare State” Exhibition: (Not) My City - Scopes and Boundaries in Urban Space IKGF Humanities Festival Deutsche Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft - DVPW, Kongress 2021, Panel DoE 14: Lokalisierungen des Politischen? Spielräume in der lokalen Migrations- und Integrationspolitik Connecting Themes Conference: Contested Knowledge in a Connected World Feminist Gender Wars: how did “gender” become popular? Debating Multinormativity and Legal Pluralism Virtual Brokerage Event "A sustainable future for Europe" | 30.09.2021 Law for Nature: Transnational environmental law enforcement Rethinking Knowledge Exchange within the Humanities | 06.07.2021 Decolonizing Knowledge: Re-Centering Africa and African Epistemologies in the Quest for Global Transformation | 16.06.2021 "Doing Collecitivity, Doing Normativity. Connecting Collectivity and Normativity via Practice Theory": Jan-Christoph Marschelke (Regensburg) | 8.06.2021 (Im)mobility in international research cooperation: knowledge and partnerships between the South and North, East and West | 22.06.2021 Keynote Interview “Uncomfortable Neighbours: The Impact of Crises on Regional Governance" | 02.06.2021 Learning and Struggling in Pandemic Times - Online Discussion and Workshop | 21.05.2021 IKG Forum-TransMIGZ Talks "Islamist and Nativist Reactionary Radicalization in Europe" | 10.05.2021 European Humanities Conference | 05.-07.05.2021 Webinar: Trans-Atlantic Platform Call „Recovery, Renewal and Resilience in a Postpandemic World“ | 07.05.2021 The Fragment In the Digital Age. Opportunities and limitations of new conservation-restoration techniques | 07.-08.05.2021 Mapping the Margins, Revisited: Intersectionality and American Studies | 12.04. - 05.07.2021 Normativity in Ferdinand Tönnies’ Conception of Community | 27.04.2021 Augmented Cities – Where did the night go? | 21.-23.04.2021 Cultural Heritage in Digital Age | 21.04.2021 Networking the Networks – Opening OPERAS-GER | 26.04.2021 CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: Ideas for Re-ordering the World in Times of Multiple Crises: Continuity and Change beyond Covid-19 | 24.01.2021 Pleasure in Crisis? Resilience of public entertainment and festivity in the past and present | 16.03.2021 Historical cultural change, historical learning and memory | 01.03.2021 “SMUS Conference” | 15. - 21.03.2021 Anthropologists in Security – Dialogues between Argentina and Brazil | 22.02.2021 Rustom Bharucha: Theatre and the Coronavirus – A Speech-Act in Nine Episodes | 01.02.2021 - 31.07.2021 #4CultureCommunityPlenary | 04.02.2021 Divided society? Challenges for Political Education in Diverse Societies | 11/12.02.2021 Workshop: Von analog zu digital: Konzeptionen der Keilschriftforschung im 21. Jahrhundert am Beispiel administrativer Urkunden | 26.-28.02.2021 CALL FOR PROPOSALS: Augmented Cities: Where did the night go? | 20.01.2021 Sabelo Ndlovu-Gatsheni: 'The Politics of Knowledge in Africa and African Scholarship on Decolonization' | 20.01.2021 Cluster 2 - Soziale und wirtschaftliche Transformationen | 20.01.2021 Cluster 2 - Kulturelles Erbe und die Kreativwirtschaft | 19.01.2021 Demokratische Regierungsführung | 18.01.2021 PREGNANT BODIES – EMBODIED PREGNANCY | 14.01.-15.02.2021 Hölderlin und Hegel tdoay | 09.12.2020 FFVT Politik- und Praxisdialog 2020: Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung im Gespräch | 10.12.2020 Veranstaltungsreihe Berliner Brasiliendialoge – Brasilien im multiplen Krisenmodus | 1.12.2020 - 16.02.2021 The Plurality of Marriage Laws: Exploring the Viability of a Single Marriage Code for South Africa in a Comparative Context | 8.12.2020 „Horizont Europa - Politischer Hintergrund, Struktur, Neuerungen und Themen im Cluster 2“ | 10.12.2020 CFP: The Moral Economies of Knowledge Production on Migration: Conflicts, Values, Positionalities | 02.-04.12.2020 PERFORMING TANGIER FESTIVAL – Street Performances as Spatio-Temporal Heterotopias | 27.-30.11.2020 Symposium on the Occasion of the 130th Anniversary of the Opening of the Japanese Parliament | 26.-27.11.2020 Geschichte der in Rom ansässigen deutschen Forschungs- und Kulturinstitute in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts | 26.11.2020 What citizenship education for what democracy? Transnational Perspectives from the 19th to the 21st Century | 25.-27.11.2020 Digital reading and lecture series: racism, colonialism, decolonization, restitution | 10.11.2020 - 16.02.2021 Ringvorlesung „Animals as Objects“ | 09.11.2020 - 22.02.2021 Impact of the Pandemic and Social Inequalities in Latin America | 17.11.2020 Domestic work and private security jobs: outsourced, precarious and racist | 24.11.2020 RISC Inaugural Conference | 10./11.11.2020 Christoph Antons (Newcastle, Australien): Peranakan Chinese in Indonesia: The Construction of a Community in Colonial Law and its Legacy | 10.11.2020 Medialities today: circulation and appropriation of knowledge in Latin America | 10.11.2020 „Sozioprudenz - Sozial klug handeln“ | 27.10.2020 Bound and Stitched Up! Grass, Bast, Bark – Stone Age All-Rounders | 17.10.2020 - 11.04.2021 ‘Urgency’ and ‘Responsibility’ in Global Cooperation - Covid-19 and beyond | 05/06.10.2020 Forumsprogramm "Recht als Kultur" | 10.2020 - 03.2021 In the Realm of Corona Normativities. A Momentary Snapshot of a Dynamic Discourse | 13.10.2020 Conference: MUSIC OBJECT STORIES: Popular music and material culture | 01. / 02.10.2020 #EFSES2020 - European Forum on Science and Education for Sustainability (digital): From Ambition to Action – Together for an Innovative and Sustainable Europe | 06.10.2020 Round Table: Wissenschaftskommunikation in den Geisteswissenschaften | 25.09.2020 Book launch Volume III: Intellectual Horizons | 28.09.2020 Book launch Volume II: Statehood | 21.09.2020 Book launch Volume I: Challenges of Modernity | 14.09.2020 “And they built that in Gelsenkirchen …” | Architecture and Cultural Institutions in the Ruhr Since 1950 | 11.09.2020 – 10.01.2021 3rd Conference of the German Network of Forced Migration Researchers | 17.-19.09.2020 Maps, Knowledge, and the Sea. Globalization as seen from the Waters | 17.07.-17.10.2020 International Conference on Night Studies | 02.-04-07.2020 16th EASA Biennial Conference - New anthropological horizons in and beyond Europe | 20.-24.07.2020 Between discrimination and solidarity - refugees in a working environment | 03.07.2020 Virtual Workshop: Escape, Governance, Human Rights | 09.-10.07.20 Interdisciplinarity in Times of Crisis: Why the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Matter | 14.05.2020 Night Scenes conference | 23.–24.04.2020 Digital Documentary Practices – Topical paradigm shifts and the potential of emerging configurations | 24./25.04.2020 NUMiD-Workshop | 13. / 14.02.2020 „Digital Transformation in Law and Society: Comparative Perspectives on Families and New Media“ | 03./04.02.2020 Schmerz: objektiv subjektiv / 32. werkstatt für musiktherapeutische forschung | 07./08.02.2020 Informations- und Einführungsveranstaltung Masterstudiengang Musiktherapie an der Universität der Künste Berlin | 22.02.2020 Abschlussforum: The Location of Theory | 06.02.2020 Abschlussveranstaltung des Projekts „Die weite Welt vor Ort“ | 13.02.2020 "Kinder im Gespräch – Mit Kindern im Gespräch“ Fachtagung | 24.01.2020 Visionen und Grenzen der neuen digitalen Kommunikationswelt 4.0 | 17.01.2020 Wie tickt eigentlich ein/e…? Theologin trifft Paläontologen | 15.01.2019 Das Timbre von Charisma und Spiritualität in der Musiktherapie | 23./24.01.2020 Anwendungen für die formelle und informelle Pflege | 17.01.2020 Forschungsexzellenz, Interdisziplinarität, Internationalität - Promotion in Musiktherapie im internationalen und interdisziplinären Kontext | 16.01.2020 Abschlussveranstaltung der "Kleine Fächer-Wochen Sprechwissenschaft" mit einem öffentlichen Sprechkunstabend "Ein Tag zum Geschenk" | 31.01.2020 Festveranstaltung der Kleinen-Fächer-Woche | 22.01.2020 WeltWeit.Unverzichtbar | 09.01.2020 Eröffnung der Kleinen-Fächer-Woche: Wissensarena | 21.01.2020 Musik zur Sprache bringen. Interdisziplinäre Dialoge zum Musikerleben | 18.01.2020 Workshop "Divination in Chinese Religions" | 10.-11.12.2019 Die DDR – Perspektiven ihrer Erforschung 30 Jahre nach der friedlichen Revolution | 11.12.2019 Klang|Riss | 14.12.2019 Schmerz und Hoffnung. Musiktherapie in der Palliativmedizin | 09.11.2019 Sounding together: familien-zentrierte Musiktherapie in der Neonatologie | 09.11.2019 Ersteinschätzung, Indikation und Behandlung in der Musiktherapie | 09.11.2019 Kleine Fächer studieren: Kompetenzen und Chancen für den internationalen Arbeitsmarkt | 05.11.2019 2. Auftaktveranstaltung: Eröffung der "Sprechwissenschaftlichen Beratungsstelle" und Fachtag "(Sprech-)Beratung" | 11.11.2019 Explorer’s night: Mainzer Forscher*innen auf den Spuren alter Kulturen | 24.10.2019 Aufgehorcht! Musikhören in Theorie und Praxis | 23.10.2019 Auftakt Kleine Fächer-Wochen | 16.10.2019 Kalt erwischt: Vom Leben in und nach einer Depression | 10.10.2019 Gemeinsam gegen Schmerz: Multimodale Schmerzbehandlung | 04.10.2019 Festakt - 40 Jahre akademische Musiktherapie | 20.09.2019 Nacht der Forschung Mannheim I Heidelberg: Musiktherapie erleben | 27.09.2019 Nur noch kurz die Welt retten - Musiktherapie und Digitalisierung | 21.09.2019