30. October 2024, 6 pm - 9 pm | Kunsthalle Giessen, Berliner Platz 1, 35390 Gießen
How do images of violence affect us? When do they become voyeuristic showpieces and when do they become necessary documents? The dialogue panel “Darstellungen exzessiver Gewalt – zwischen Verstörung und Attraktion”, held in cooperation with the Kunsthalle Giessen, will shed light on depictions of excessive violence in journalism, art and social media and combine perspectives from academia and practice.
The dialog panel will be accompanied by image and video material. As a kick-off to this year's TraCe annual conference, it will also be available to watch on YouTube via a livestream.
Welcoming addresses from Nadia Ismail (Director of the Kunsthalle Giessen) & Katharina Lorenz (President of the Justus Liebig University Giessen)
Panelists: Larissa-Diana Fuhrmann (TraCe), Vincent Haiges (Documentary Photographer), Claudia Hattendorff (Professor for Art History at Justus Liebig University Giessen) & Cornelia Wegerhoff (Journalist)
Moderation: Tina Cramer