"Doing Collecitivity, Doing Normativity. Connecting Collectivity and Normativity via Practice Theory": Jan-Christoph Marschelke (Regensburg) | 08.06.2021

Traditionally, collectivity and normativity have been connected via the concept of culture: a collectivity is integrated by its specific culture part of which are norms. Such a view has been criticized as reifying. So, why not attach culture to practice – instead of to collectivity?

Datum: 08.06.2021

Uhrzeit: 18:00 Uhr

Veranstaltungstitel: "Doing Collecitivity, Doing Normativity. Connecting Collectivity and Normativity via Practice Theory"

Veranstaltungstyp: Sonstige

Veranstalterkategorie: BMBF

Veranstalter: Käthe Hamburger Kolleg, Recht als Kultur

Mehr zur Veranstaltung:

Traditionally, collectivity and normativity have been connected via the concept of culture:  a collectivity is integrated by its specific culture part of which are norms. Such a view has been criticized as reifying. So, why not attach culture to practice – instead of to collectivity? Promising as this seems, it leaves us with explanatory gaps. Put simply: We still need collectivity. I propose, we turn the tables by employing a praxeological account of “doing collectivity”.
Collectivization is something we do, and before thinking of collectivity as contributing to the production of culture, we must conceive it as cultural product itself. Now, the same conceptual move has to be applied to normativity, too. So, in order not to reify concepts like norms or rules and understand them as independent entities controlling human action, we regard them as part of practices. We are “doing normativity”.

But how can we combine “doing collectivity” and “doing normativity”? I make three suggestions: First, we understand both collectivity and normativity as interdependent dimensions of a multidimensional concept of practice. Second, we intertwine them via the dimension of subjectivation. And third we add complexity by taking seriously multicollectivity and the entanglement of practices. I´ll illustrate my approach by re-reading empirical research on social movements. And I´ll sketch how such an approach may help us to further develop pluralistic accounts of law and legality which are based upon the idea of legal communities.
(Dr. Jan-Christoph Marschelke)

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The “Forum Law as Culture” offers a space for interdisciplinary and intercultural exchange with international guests and fellows at the Center. The Forum regards itself as a place where the Center’s focal topics can be critically examined. Such topics, which consider the dimensions of law as a cultural fact, include symbolic cultures, ritual dynamics, normativity and normative pluralism, and issues of the force of law and of organizational culture.
The events will take place online.