PUBLIKATION: The field of research on contemporary antisemitism and Jewish life : working towards a European research hub

The field of research on contemporary antisemitism and Jewish life has limited structure or cohesion as it currently exists, and few means of consolidation as a research community. 
These are some of the key findings of an independent expert report published by the European Commission, as part of the EU Strategy on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life.

This report, titled “The field of research on contemporary antisemitism and Jewish life: Working towards a European research hub”, maps the current field of research on contemporary antisemitism and Jewish life. It makes key recommendations about how a dedicated European research hub should support and enhance research in this field. The report was written under the auspices of the Institute for Jewish Policy Research by Dr Boyd and Dr Kahn-Harris. 
The creation of a European research hub in contemporary antisemitism and Jewish life and culture, in cooperation with EU Member States and the research community, is one of the flagship actions of the EU Antisemitism Strategy.
The methodology for the study draws on the European Jewish Research Archive – the only comprehensive database containing work undertaken in this field since 1990 – to identify key researchers and institutions, and assess which topics and countries have greater or lesser research coverage.
